Our HR system is a cloud basedsytem and accessible on the go, whether in a different country, different office, at an airport or train station, or simply when working from home. This is a non-negotiable system feature.
One of our biggest output and productivity killers is sickness absence. Our system isenabling to effortlessly record, track, calculate, benchmark and report on sickness absences and holiday absences in your business. It should quickly highlight problem areas so you can take corrective action.
Oursystem ensures employees to securely log-in, update and maintain employee details on the system according to access permission. Our system always keep real time user log for further verification.
We ensure very good user friendly user interface with proper documentation. We also provide necessary training to the user for best performance.
Our system is taking all the manual effort out of reporting. If you want anything like a powerful, empowering and easy to use reporting system, then look forward to us.